Video: Tour of global events includes Eugene’s! Our youth-centered Global Climate March & Collaborative Art Project was featured in this Avaaz video montage of worldwide protests shown to world leaders as they entered UN negotiating chambers! Don’t blink, but...
When I spoke with fifth-graders about the block-long pipeline art protest (see gallery), we talked about the climate crisis and what people are doing to address it. When I mentioned that local high schooler Kelsey Juliana was suing the government for violating her...
Video: Children’s Tribunal When I spoke with fifth-graders about the block-long pipeline art protest (see gallery), we talked about the climate crisis and what people are doing to address it. When I mentioned that local high schooler Kelsey Juliana was suing the...
Oct. 2012: Quotes from social justice leaders hang from colorful pouches along the sidewalk and in the branches of my trees. Inside the pouches are copies people are free to take. There is also a mailbox with Oregon voter registration forms. Read about when a group of...
Feb 2012: After a proposal banning single-use plastic bags loses in Oregon’s legislature by one vote, Eugene’s City Council agrees to vote on a similar ban in 2012. Here, 110 plastic grocery bags are attached to trees with an invitation to “Send a Valentine to Mother...