Video: Kids March to Court
Eugene, Oregon, Sept. 13th, 2016
Dozens of high school students marched to Eugene’s federal courthouse to support 21 young plaintiffs, ages 8 – 21, suing the government for violating their right to a livable planet. When the students arrived at the courthouse, the hundreds of other supporters were already inside or lined up to go in erupted in cheers. The youth plaintiffs inside the courthouse later said they ran to the windows when they heard the cheers, they felt so moved and excited and supported. Students and community members –hundreds at a time–continue to show up with joyful, colorful support for the kids fighting the government. The lawsuits keep gaining momentum–and inspiring kids everywhere.
After this September 2016 hearing, Judge Ann Aiken, ruled in the children’s favor, affirming that they have the right to a healthy climate system. In 2018, the 21 young plaintiffs will see the Trump administration in court–for destroying the climate they need to survive. Young people everywhere are celebrating this historic legal victory.
For the full story, see chapter #97, “Sue the Grown-Ups!” in my book, The Parents’ Guide to Climate Revolution.